Quality Rasayana Manufacture – The Backbone of Ayurvedic Treatment

The quality of the medicines becomes the most important aspect if the stakeholders of Ayurveda desire Ayurveda to be projected globally to create an impact on healthcare. We at Ayurveda Rasayani take utmost care in the manufacturing process. We strictly adhere to the principles laid down by the texts.  Ayurveda Rasayani takes conscious efforts for Traceability of the raw material, quality parameters of raw materials, following critical In Process Quality Control, Quality Control and Quality Assurance and hence reproducibility of high quality of Rasayanas. We firmly believe in high quality medicines that could create a strong impact of Ayurveda on the world, especially when it caters to the unmet needs of healthcare. Ayurveda Rasayani medicines have helped restore health of  the society across the globe with these critically-manufactured medicines.

Ayurvedic Rasayana treatment is based on quality Rasayanas. It has the capacity to address the most complicated stages of diseases and recover. There are numerous cases were written off patients by modern doctors have made a turnaround and led a healthy life for many years.

One of the most distinguishing factors in the manufacture of Ayurvedic medicines is that that the bhasmas and ingredients used are of the purest possible form as per the texts. Bhasmas used in the ras kalpas are normally shatputi or whose maran has been done over a hundred times. It has been done adhering to the processes prescribed by the texts. It is a highly complex and critical process and helps to deliver high quality medicines. The manufacturing process contains over a hundred steps. This makes it highly potent and efficient with a miniscule dose of a few milligrams.

The process of making the bhasmas is also unique. All the Bhasmas used in the Rasayans at Ayurveda Rasayani are parad marit and not kshar marit or vanaspati marit.

Studies and analysis of the particle structure of the bhasmas have shown a radical difference. The nano and sub-micron particles of the parad marit bhasmas are spherical in shape while the kshar/ vanaspati marit are spiked, conical, cubical or with sharp edges.

The parad marit bhasma takes a long time in making, the manufacturing process is tedious, time consuming and demands high expenses; while the kshar marit bhasmas are quick to manufacture, less time consuming, cheaper and easier to make, therefore commercially produced in large scales.

The shodhan maran done by parad is more physical in nature where the khalan process is done. It physically decimates the minerals into nano particles. The kshar marit bhasma is a chemical process and reduction of the metals is done in the process of maran by the kshar.

The kshar marit bhasma tends to show unwanted properties. Such properties may address partial samprapti bheda in certain diseases but it is not capable of doing the rasayan function.

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)