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Principles behind Rasayan Formulation in Treatment for Modern Day Health Challenges

Following is an explanation of how Rasayan formulation came into existence. It elucidates the mechanism and approch of Rasayan. It showcases the affects on the overall system for immunity development.

Primary goal of Rasayan Treatment

The Rasayana Treatment is to neutralize the pathology (Samprapti) and address the disease (Vyadhi pratyanikatva).

Containment of the Doshas

The cause of the pathology (samprapti) (Dosh pratyanikatva).

Restore the Balance

Restore the balance of the 7 dhatus (tissue types), (dhatu samya prasthapan).

Maintain & Restrict Doshas

Maintain and restrict sudden unanticipated rise or fall of the doshas.

Fuel the lowered Jathar Agni

Fuel the lowered jathar agni (digestive capacity) and the dhatvagni (assimilation at the tissue level) to restore its balance.

Multiple Paths

Effective in multiple paths of the pathology (Roga Marg).

Multiple Channels

Simultaneously effective on multiple channels (srotas) of the human body.

Origin of Channels

Address the origin of the channels (sroto mool), and its related organs.

Act on the Organs

Act on the organs of the seat of the channels (sroto mool and related organs) and its entire system that is thereby affected.

Improve the Immunity

Improve the immunity at the local and the systemic level simultaneously, while addressing the pathology.

Eliminate the excess Doshas

Delicately eliminate the excess doshas (pathology causing) and convert them to micro excretory elements in diseases where the Shodhan (Elimination process) is not advisable.

Discipline to Excretory System

Bring in discipline to the excretory system (mal nirmiti) and its coordinated expulsion (mal nissaran).

Immediate Results

Provide immediate (aashukari) results for those diseases that are considered to be asadhya (incurable) or yapya (controlled by medication).

Dhatu focussed Treatment

A treatment that directly addresses the affected dhatus.

Arrests further progress

It simultaneously arrests further progress of the pathology and prohibits sequelae or other pathology stemming from the original one.

Safeguarding the Healthy Tissue

While addressing the pathology and the affected tissues, Rasayan medicines also safeguards the healthy tissue and enhances its structural discipline and physiological processes.

Component Selection

Component selection of Rasayan formulation is designed, based on the organs and the dhathus involved to address the pathology and variations are done in order to suit the pathology.

Maintain & Enhance

The primary focus is to maintain and enhance the oja and regain dhatu sarata of the dhatus.

Balance Equilibrium

Rasayan also works to retain balanced equlibrium, the erratic (vimarga gaman) movement of the doshas through the channels (srotasas).

Brings about the Transformation

Rasayan brings a transformation in the srotas, the seat of the srotas or the organs involved, and the dhatus that are affected by the pathology; its subtle effects are carefully measured during the making of the Rasayan.

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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