Big Data and Bioinformatics


It has become highly relevant, that Ayurveda physicians keep data of the patients. It is essential to prove to the world the efficacy of Ayurvedic medicines. The efficacy can be proven only when we can demonstrate it with a backup of statistical data.

Ayurveda physicians often deal with complicated cases in Ayurvedic perspective. It is often considered impossible by the modern medicine. Such cases need to be showcased in front of the world in order to prove the greatness of Ayurveda and also understand the limitations of the modern sciences so that Ayurveda can provide insights to the modern practitioners.

Ayurved Rasayani would provide all the necessary support to the Vaidyas, but as the saying goes, the devil is always in the details, we could guide them to present a case out of the gathered data.

Rasayu has a data of over ten thousand patients which can help make a statement and stake claims. Animal trials are the commonest way of data collection. But the textual formulations provide direct access to human trials.

Data provided by Vaidyas is completely secured and safe, the inferences and values drawn from the data is given back to the Vaidyas. The data is useful for presenting in publications and medical journals. It would also make the Vaidyas aware of the quality of data created and the consciousness thus created will go a long way for the Vaidya to observe finer details so relevant in today’s times.

The Vaidyas may follow their own personal protocol to address a certain disease with their own medicines, but the basic data creation process should be similar in order to have a common benchmark to draw inferences.

Rasayu plans to develop a mechanism that would invite Vaidyas on a common platform- a software – or an app that could share the data between the Vaidyas and Ayurveda Rasayani.

Ayurveda Rasayani invites Vaidyas to contribute inputs that could be put up on the software to showcase observations.

This program is to put forward the science of Ayurveda and understand the texts and share Vaidya’s observation with all likeminded Vaidyas who might find your findings interesting.

Ayurveda Rasayani provides information in a ready to use format for practical purpose.

Ayurveda Rasayani can help Vaidyas deal with critical diseases and also help in evidence gathering for the future generations of Vaidyas.

Importance of Data:

Data collection and data management has becoming one of the most important demand of the modern world from the treasures of Ayurveda.

There are a large number of Vaidyas who are doing miraculous work on patients who have had challenging disorders that do not have a solution in the modern world.

These challenging results need to be presented to the world which looks up at Ayurveda with hope. Such data would produce the right result of showcasing Ayurveda in the right perspective supported by evidence and verifiable data. Rasayu has evidence of over ten thousand cases. If we pool in data of other Vaidyas also, then the analysis can be done by us. The resultant inferences could be a convincing strength of the entire Ayurveda fraternity.

The data will be completely safe and secured, and returnable to you, once the values and inferences are drawn.

There can be different medicines from varied pharmacies in use and yet the data would be one with a strong message to the diverse world.

It will be easier to convince the world of the efficacy of Ayurvedic treatment. We could be presenting medicines and treatment approach to the modern world with human trials and not animal trials.

Such a database is an urgent need of the times and with the rising pandemics, the world, indeed, looks towards India to provide that much wanted succour. 

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)