Welcome to Ayurved Rasayani !
Ayurved RasayaniAyurved RasayaniAyurved Rasayani
+91 9422322172, 9422304480
Mahalunge, Pune 57. India.
Ayurved RasayaniAyurved RasayaniAyurved Rasayani

Rasayani Voice

Ayurveda Rasayani has always been conscious of the quality of their products. As is the case of the products, so also is the case towards all stakeholders of Ayurveda Rasayani. We are alert to the needs of the workforce of the pharmacy – the creators of the medicines, the products, as stated earlier and so also the end users of the products -the Vaidyas.

We are open to listening to the feedback we receive from all the stakeholders. That would help us to constantly improve. For instance, the purchase department has been trained to select the correct ingredients for making medicines.

The correctness of selection process is very stringent and it has changed the perspective of the purchase team to looking at their work. The norms and high value of conducting themselves in the work of manufacturing medicines reflects in their personality. 
  • Workers have suggestions towards improving the production process.
  • Staff has inputs to improvise the production life cycle.
  • Marketing people share the Real World Stories with the Vaidyas when they visit.
  • Sales Staff tries to improve the supply chain process for timely delivery to the Vaidyas.
  • Service Managers check that the Rasayani family works with the same philosophy.
  • The end users, the Vaidyas, provide constructive feedback for knowledge sharing and product improvisation.
  • The drive to improve induces a new energy to flourish and deliver products that give tangible results to the Vaidyas.
  • The need of the Vaidyas / Physicians are the foremost priority for all of us at Ayurveda Rasayani.
  • We encourage the stakeholders to express themselves and constantly strive to improvise our process and incorporate suggestions, feedback and opinions relevant to our growth and help development of healthcare.

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)