R & D Philosophy

The modern conventional research and trials are conducted on animals and observations are noted for statistical evidence.  As Ayurvedic formulations are stated in texts and made as per the texts, they do not need conducting of animal trials. The medicines manufactured at Ayurveda Rasayani are tried and tested at the clinics of Dr Yogesh Bendale. They are used on the patients and definitive conclusions are drawn. The efficacy of the medicines, the suitable combinations to be constituted; is tried at the clinic. The observations gradually crystallize into a final product.

This helps to eliminate the compounding factors and narrows down the effectiveness of the product and its reproducibility (repeated positive results for same disease). It facilitates to claim the indications for the medicine use at clinic and manufacturing levels. These are clinical findings; we also evaluate the same at the laboratory level. Here, the drug is identified and its process planned to reproduce at a mass scale.

The modern-day research actively follows the model of Drug Discovery Funnel. There is a massive number of compounds identified for a potential drug development. At the next level, screening of the drugs is performed against cells, out of which many drugs are eliminated and some pass the screening to make an impression. The properties thus identified in the search is optimized for improved results. When the efficacy enhancing process is established, the resultant drug is put up for clinical trials.

The start to finish process starts with a huge number of compounds put to use and end up as a trickle towards the clinical trial stage- a funnel shaped model to show case the investments, the high numbers of chemicals used before identification and then eventually reaching the chemical trials.

Rasayu’s greatest trial ground for drugs and theory validation Is our clinics. The patients are where we take our trials. We evaluate our results on modern parameters as well as on those set by the texts. Those medicines that do not yield the desired results are sent back to be redone or a complete change of approach is implemented. The medicines are used on the basis of kaal, vikar/ disease, prakruti / constitution of the patient, and a varied form applications are drawn out of the same drug.

Those that yield less result may be an outright failure, but many times, it is only the dose that needs to be managed for improved outcome. The reproducible results are verified at the clinic before the medicine goes to the pharmacy for large scale manufacture. From the study of its efficacy and the results, we also develop protocols for the drug use. Wrong influence or the side effects of modern medicines often delay results. In such cases, we often use local treatment as well as internal medicines to overcome the same.

For many diseases or stages of diseases, we have developed protocol of stepwise introduction of medicines to break the pathology. The medicine is approved at the clinic before it goes to the pharmacy for production.

There is a distinct blend of the Ayurvedic principles as per the texts and the modern day methodology to attain unparallel results for the betterment of mankind.

Billions of dollars are invested in the process to identify a drug and pass clinical trials. Fortunately for Ayurveda, a huge treasure of medicines is already provided by the ancient sages.

However, for new drug development which may not have textual support, there is a need to develop medicines in the new age manner. It involves the in-vitro, in-vivo, ex vivo studies and their findings.

Following the texts for drug development is the key to manufacture of quality medicines at Ayurveda Rasayani.


At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)