Importance of diagnostic approach (Rog Nidan) in Ayurveda is very vital to the outcome of the treatment, therefore, it is imperative to have a sound diagnostic basis, which is done without being influenced only by pathology results, modern view of the said disease and the possible outcome of other treatments.
Importance of causes of the pathology (Hetu) : This is extremely essential in Ayurvedic diagnosis; the prognosis, the treatment duration and its probable sequelae are estimated on the basis of understanding the causes.
- Sensitivity and specificity of modern investigations – the specificity is the correct marker for specific diseases, while sensitivity suggests the possibility of other diseases that are also encompassed in the same investigation which makes clinical judgement therefore, a very vital consideration.
- They do not necessarily provide absolute direction to the diagnosing process of the patient; however, they can be guidelines to the progress in making clinical diagnosis.
- Accuracy of diagnosis brings superior accuracy in treatment as well.
- An exhaustive case taking method in Ayurveda is extremely important, where even an insignificant factor may turn out to be significant and favors prognostic values substantially.
- Disease do not occur out of a single line iteology or a straight cause effect relationship; obviously, the line of treatment cannot be confined to the same.
- Every patient is unique: his / her cause and manifestation of the pathology / symptoms may differ; the pathology investigations are quite relevant, but in a limited way, since its relevance on the basis of Ayurvedic fundamentals needs to be ascertained.
- Ayurvedic treatment may fetch quick relief in some cases, however the treatment needs to address all the contributing factors that have caused the pathology.
- Symptomatic relief is made available but the restoration of health may yet be elusive, overlooking the very basic fundamentals of sound health, thereby affecting the prognosis and complete elimination of the disease process.
- Therefore, an incomplete treatment may set into motion, manifestation of another pathology in due course of time.
- The tests derived from advancement of physics and chemistry can be used at its best in Ayurvedic perspective to decide the outcome of the relevant line of treatment.
- The investigation reports may be direct indicators about the outcome of the undergoing Ayurvedic treatment.
- The results may also reflect the intensity of the symptoms and the improvement in their quality of life.