Guidance to Vaidyas & Students

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Big Data and Bioinformatics

WELCOME THE VAIDYAS, It has become highly relevant, that Ayurveda physicians keep data of the patients. It is essential to prove to the world the efficacy of Ayurvedic medicines. The efficacy can be proven only when we can demonstrate it with a backup of statistical data.
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Transform real world evidence to Science & Medicines

Rasayu has developed cutting edge technology-based software, first in the country and globally to collate and analyse Real World Evidence and its relevant data. Only one of its kind, Rasayu would have one of the largest database of patients undergoing Ayurvedic treatments. The niche elements are well analysed. Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning is applied to draw interpretations from the data.
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R & D Philosophy

The modern conventional research and trials are conducted on animals and observations are noted for statistical evidence. As Ayurvedic formulations are stated in texts and made as per the texts, they do not need conducting of animal trials. The medicines manufactured at Ayurveda Rasayani are tried and tested at the clinics of Dr Yogesh Bendale. They are used on the patients and definitive conclusions are drawn. The efficacy of the medicines, the suitable combinations to be constituted; is tried at the clinic. The observations gradually crystallize into a final product.
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Building Bridges

Ayurveda Rasayani has taken a unique initiative to play the role of a facilitator between the Vaidyas and their patients. This initiative helps to establish the deliverables of the Vaidya which is in tune with the expectations of the patients.
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The Philosophy behind Proprietary Rasayanas

The causative factors described in the texts has evolved with time. The hetu no longer appear as a single entity, rather they are observed to be in a group. For example, people work late, return home late, have dinner still later, and then sleep late, immediately after food. It is a change of unrestricted causative factors which has a cumulative effect affecting at multiple fronts. This makes it difficult for an accurate Nidan. The subsequent construction of pathology becomes somewhat ambiguous.
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Rasayani Voice

Ayurveda Rasayani has always been conscious of the quality of their products. As is the case of the products, so also is the case towards all stakeholders of Ayurveda Rasayani. We are alert to the needs of the workforce of the pharmacy – the creators of the medicines, the products, as stated earlier and so also the end users of the products -the Vaidyas.
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Personalized Healthcare

Personalized medicine aims to bring discipline to decision making for devising treatment using biological information available through a genetic test or biomarkers. This provides inputs based on the patient profile, to shortlist one medicine in comparison to the others for a more favourable response with minimal or no adverse reaction. This is typically how modern medicine works towards personalized healthcare.
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Quality Rasayana Manufacture – The Backbone of Ayurvedic Treatment

The quality of the medicines becomes the most important aspect if the stakeholders of Ayurveda desire Ayurveda to be projected globally to create an impact on healthcare. We at Ayurveda Rasayani take utmost care in the manufacturing process. We strictly adhere to the principles laid down by the texts. Ayurveda Rasayani takes conscious efforts for Traceability of the raw material, quality parameters of raw materials, following critical In Process Quality Control, Quality Control and Quality Assurance and hence reproducibility of high quality of Rasayanas.
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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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(10am - 05 pm)