Ayurveda – the need of the century

Ayurveda is a science originated in India about five thousand years ago. It has served mankind across the world ever since.

Ayurveda addresses not only health issues but life itself. It is the only science that deals with life before birth, during one’s existence and life after death as well. Humanity beyond our land beckons us to provide them with the knowledge and enlightenment. This poses a lot of responsibility on the shoulders of the Vaidyas / doctors. They are not just doctors, they are ambassadors of the land and in a way, represent the heritage of our land.

Numerous institutes have come up in the European countries like UK, Germany, and Italy. They look towards India as the authentic source of knowledge of Ayurveda. They are looking for a different lifestyle in order to translate into an improved quality of life for the people there. They are looking up at us in India, to show them the path.

People overseas have shown immense interest in Ayurveda, to learn more about the science.

The centres created for Ayurveda are five start arrangements and breath taking. It is truly a great era for Ayurveda to be placed among the elite with a flaunt of wealth over its presentation.

It has drawn a lot of people with different agenda to reap its riches. Several patent cases are pending overseas for concepts, ideas and drugs coming from Ayurveda. The fight against such vested interests will be an ongoing battle for many years to come.

In order to overcome such shortcomings, we need to export Ayurvedic medicines, products, services so that they become a household name and establish as a part of their culture like Yoga and Indian cuisine.

One malady of India is that when something comes from the west, it is then accepted here, like it has happened with Yoga. We are still captivated by the past. We still hesitate to feel proud of our own heritage.

India needs to declare Ayurveda as national medical science and guide people to embrace Ayurveda wholeheartedly. It will enable us to hold negotiations and conduct business with other nations knowing well that India supports it. The inability to do so has been a major reason for not being able to showcase Ayurveda as vehemently as needed.

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)