Intriguing facts of Rasakalpa Manufacture


The raw material, especially the minerals, that are used are of 99.9% COA purity
Commercially available minerals are about 70 -75% purity levels and they are not used by Ayurveda Rasayani.
These minerals used for Bhasmas are often recycled ones that come cheaper but do not meet the expected quality, and hence only 99.99% pure minerals are used as raw materials.
Each item of raw material undergoes stringent testing process before being selected for manufacture.
The Shodhan process (Biocompatibility process) for each ingredient is been stated on two fronts in the texts; samanya Shodhan (generalized) and vishesh Shodhan (specialised).
Samanya Shodhan is common to all and vishesh Shodhan is specific to each item, and it is included in the Ayurveda Rasayani protocol.
After marana, there is specific amrutikaran or satmikaran that is done as prescribed by the texts.
Ras Kalpa, Sindur Kalpa, Bhasma, Parpati Kalpa are processed in separate environment.
Basic principle of Rasashastra like Shatru Varga and Mitra Varga are being followed diligently at the manufacturing level.
Shatru Varga substances do not undergo processes within the same confines.
Separate stations have been developed for processing of (i)Suvarna, roupya, (ii) Suvarna Makshik, Mandur, Kant Loha and (iii) Nag, Vang, Jasad etc.
Precious minerals and minerals such as Suvarna, roupya, precious gems like heerak, mouktik, praval, Neelam etc are handled with extreme caution and are processed manually
The puta given for the maran process, is done as per the texts using govaris and with the number of govaris as prescribed by the texts; a standardization mechanism has been developed to have uniformity about the dimension, thickness etc of the govaris for measurable heat creation
The Rasa Shala is constructed as per the directions of the Rasa Granthas and Vastu texts. However it also has been constructed keeping in mind, the regulations of the FDA.
The linearity of the manufacturing process and the sections thus needed are created as per the FDA rules

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)